Back Pain Posture Exhibition Areas UK-wide
Relaxa specialises in creating exhibition areas with a focus on back pain, RSI and posture related health topics that will incorporate display boards, handouts and fact sheets.
Relaxa's exhibition areas include the following:
- 5 large display boards on the exhibition display stands pictured below.
- Provide literature stands for handouts and fact sheets.
- Fact sheets and handouts for all the display board topics.
- Provide a back pain, RSI and ergonomics consultant to man the exhibition area and provide advice to staff on a first come first served basis.
Display units:
Relaxa will provide 6 exhibition stands using the system below.
Manning of the exhibition area and consultants providing information on a first come first served basis:
Relaxa can provide a choice of the following people to man the stand:
- A Relaxa member of staff with a basic knowledge of the back pain and posture topics to man the stand.
- A back pain, RSI and ergonomics consultant to provide advice on a first come first served basis
Handouts, Fact Sheet and dispaly board topics:
The following topics and handouts are available and covered on the display boards:
- How to achieve optimum posture whilst seated at your desk
- Correct seated posture
- Correct standing posture
- The importance of taking breaks
- Important considerations when manual handling
- The main causes of back pain and how to prevent it
- The main causes of RSI and how to prevent it
- The spine and other important structures in the human body
- Muscles that need to be strengthened to prevent back pain
- Important postural stretches
- Contact organisations when you have a back pain or musculoskeletal problems.
- What is Alexander Technique
- What is Osteopathy and Chiropractic
- Differences between Osteopathy and Chiropractic
- Beds and mattresses in dealing with back pain
- What to do when back pain strikes
- Exercises for a better back
- Exercises for office workers
- Back care advice for drivers
- Tips for maintaining a healthier back
- Relaxation techniques to loosen key muscles and joints
- The ideal workstation setup
- The ideal vehicle driver setup
- Pregnancy and workstations