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Creating a Heathier Workforce

Diet and Nutrition online video workshops

How to Boost Your Energy Levels Through Nutrition (45-minute video workshop)

How to Eat to Sleep Well (45-minute video)

Most people know they should probably sleep more and yet they don’t or else they can’t. This presentation explores why sleep is so important to human health and how to ensure that you get more of it in your life.

10 Ways to Boost Your Immunity Through Nutrition (45-minute video)

It is important to eat well and to stay fit and healthy. But, typically, the winter months are those that can take the biggest toll on the immune system and when most people get sick. This workshop will show you 10 ways to take care of your health during winter including.

How to Eat a Balanced Diet (45-minute video)

There are so many mixed messages about health, that it is hard to know what to eat or drink for the best. This presentation draws on the latest science to show you how to eat so you can become the healthiest version of yourself.

How to Eat to Keep a Healthy Heart (45-minute video)

Although you might know that eating certain foods can increase your heart disease risk, it is often hard to change your eating habits. This workshop explores how, by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can look after your heart and reduce your risk of developing heart conditions: