One-Hour De Stress and Wellbeing Workshops
Relaxa offers a range of one-hour de-stress and wellbeing workshops that can be tailored to meet the needs of the Client. Sessions include practical demonstrations and are fun, highly interactive and based on group discussions. Each one-hour workshop has been designed to be delivered in one-hour and all participants are provided with all the information that they may require.
Choose from a selection of one-hour workshops below. The topics covered on each one-hour workshop are outlined below.
Workshops are available covering the following topic areas:
Stress management and lifestyle
Health and wellbeing
Fitness and exercise
Positive thinking and boosting self esteem
To view a complete list of the workshops for each topic above please review the list below by heading.
Stress management and lifestyle workshops
Creating a better work / life balance
What is a good work / life balance
Identifying what is unbalanced for you
How to re-balance your life
Making effective use of work time / personal time
De-stressing your mind and body
How does stress affect your mind and body?
What causes negative stress?
Combating the negative effects of stress.
Effective relaxation techniques to calm both mind and body.
Relaxation and wellbeing techniques
Introduction to stress
Breath control for improved health and relaxation.
Stretching techniques to alleviate aches and pains.
Powerful relaxation techniques to use when under pressure
Workplace Health
Dealing effectively with stress at work
Avoiding burnout
Creating healthy habits
Effective de-stress and relaxation methods for the office
Health and wellbeing workshops:
The importance of maintaining a healthy heart
What is heart disease and what causes it?
The effects of smoking on your heart?
Blood pressure
The importance of exercise
The effects of alcohol
Too much salt
The effects of stress
Keeping your weight down
Health and wellbeing for Women
Coping with your body changes through the years
Natural approaches to PMS and the menopause
Reducing the risks of cancer and heart disease
Reducing the risks of osteoporosis
Dealing with stress
Healthy eating for women
The importance of exercise
Health and wellbeing for Men
The importance of self examination in cancer prevention
How to keep your prostate healthy
How can the ‘Male Menopause’ disrupt your life?
Dealing with fertility problems and impotence
Dealing with stress
Reducing the risks of heart disease and cancer
Healthy eating for men
Natural supplements that help boost health
The importance of exercise
Prostate Cancer Awareness
Causes of prostate cancer
How to check for prostate cancer
When to seek help from your doctor.
Modern treatments available
Cervical and Ovarian cancer awareness
What is cervical and ovarian cancer?
What causes cervical cancer?
Can cervical cancer be diagnosed early?
When to seek help fro your doctor
What treatments options are available?
Protect yourself against skin cancer - Are you safe in the sun?
Causes of skin cancer
The effects of sun on your skin
How much is enough sun?
Safety precautions to prevent skin cancer?
When to seek help from your doctor
Breast cancer awareness
Causes of breast cancer
How women know when something is wrong.
When to seek help from your doctor.
Modern treatments available.
Coping with pre-menstrual syndrome and the menopause:
Overview of women’s hormonal patterns throughout life.
What causes the symptoms of PMS and menopause?
How women can help them selves: natural remedies and treatments.
How your doctor can help.
Diabetes awareness: causes and risks:
What is diabetes?
Causes and symptoms of diabetes
Who is at risk of type 2 diabetes?
Who must make changes to their lifestyle to prevent diabetes
When to seek help from your doctor?
The effects of smoking and smoking cessation
Effects of tobacco on your health
What smoking cessation solutions are available?
Next steps to creating a new year’s resolution to kick the habit
Drug awareness seminar
Which substances are abused or misused and information about them
Recognising the effects, signs and symptoms of drug misuse
When to seek help?
What help is available?
Alcohol, how much is too much?
Overview of alcohol and its effects, usage and danger.
Drinking and driving.
What is a safe level of alcohol consumption?
How to cut down your alcohol consumption?
Combined drugs and alcohol awareness
Which substances are abused or misused and information about them
Recognizing the effects, signs and symptoms of drug misuse
Alcohol awareness and prevention
Overview of alcohol and its effects, usage and danger.
Drinking and driving.
What is a safe level of alcohol consumption?
How to cut down your alcohol consumption?
When to seek help?
What help is available?
Stroke awareness and prevention
What are the main causes of stroke
What are the signs and symptoms of stroke?
Who is most at risk?
The importance of exercise and diet
The effects of alcohol and smoking
The importance of managing stress
Strategies to eliminate the risks
Protecting yourself from Lung Cancer
What is lung cancer?
What causes lung cancer?
Who is at risk of lung cancer?
What can be done to prevent lung cancer?
Sleep workshops:
Sleeping soundly
Why is sleep so important to us?
Identifying what may be disturbing your sleep.
Tips and remedies for a peaceful nights sleep.
Meditation and relaxation techniques to help you relax and sleep soundly
Sleep and stress
Recognising stress
How can stress affect sleep?
Quality of sleep
Cognitive therapy to change your approach to sleep
Changing your lifestyle to cater for better sleep patterns
Proven solutions to improve sleep
Meditation and visualization
What are the benefits of meditation and visualisation?
How can you harness this power?
Easy ways to incorporate the techniques into your daily routine.
Guided meditation for health and healing.
Fitness and exercise workshops:
The importance of physical activity
The benefits of exercise.
How much exercise and how often?
Finding time for exercise.
Different exercise options available to us?
Exercise that can be done during the work day
How to stay motivated and on track?
Setting a game plan.
Developing a personal fitness program
Creating strong, clear and realistic fitness goals
Determining your true fitness level
Knowing all the benefits of exercise
Examining the barriers to fitness
Creating motivation that is sustainable
Doing exercise correctly gets real results sooner
The importance of exercise to combart stress
How regular exercise helps to combat stress
Hormones and exercise
How exercise boosts the immune system?
Using up any negative energy through exercise
How exercise helps to prevent anxiety.
Positive thinking and boosting self esteem workshops:
The power of positive thinking
How does positive thought affect your mind and body?
What is your mental bank balance?
How to change negatives into positives.
Tips for remaining positive as much as possible
Boosting Self-Esteem
Why do you feel the way you do?
How can you change how you see yourself?
Taking control of your own emotions.
Tips for feeling positive about yourself